Gaharu Studio Apps

Build Lean Muscle 1.0
Gaharu Studio
Some people refer to weight training asstrength training. Whilethey are not exactly the same, they are both similar to eachother.Strength training focuses on increasing muscular strength andsize.Weight training is one type of strength training using weights astheprimary force to build muscle mass.The basic principles of weight training are pretty much thesameas those of strength training. It involves a manipulation ofthenumbers of reps, sets, tempo, exercise types, and weight movedtocause desired increases in strength, endurance, size, orshape.The specific combination of reps, sets, exercises, and weightdepends upon the desires of the body builder. Sets with fewerrepscan be performed with heavier weights but have a reduced impactonendurance.Equipment used in weight training include barbells,dumbbells,pulleys, and stacks in the form of weight machines or the body’sownweight as in push-ups and chin-ups. Different weights willgivedifferent types of resistance.Weight training also focuses on form performing themovementswith the appropriate muscle groups and not transferring the weighttodifferent body parts in order to move great weight. If you don’tusegood form in weight training, you risk muscle injury which couldhinderyour progress.Another form of weight training is resistance training.Resistance training involves the use of elastic or hydraulicresistanceto contraction rather than gravity. When your muscles are resistingaweight, the overall tone of that muscle will grow over time.If you are a beginner at weight training, you should notjust“jump right in”. You need to build up your strength andover-workingyour muscles can cause more harm than good. Some of yourmusclesmight be naturally stronger than others. Building up slowlyallowsmuscles to develop appropriate strengths relative to eachother.
Matchsticks Game Pro 1.5
Gaharu Studio
The fun and easy matchsticks puzzle game to be played for everyone.